


燃煤火電廠緊湊式濕法煙氣脫硫技術(外文翻譯),包含中文翻譯和英文原文,內容詳細完整,建議下載參考!中文:4532字英文:10800字符引言 我國目前的酸雨區(qū)已超過國土面積的三分之一,2005年的s排放量達到2549萬t,超過總量控制指標749萬t,加劇了我國的大氣污染火電廠是s的主要排放源,我國2004年1月1日實施的g...
分類: 論文>外文翻譯



原文檔由會員 xiaowei 發(fā)布



中文: 4532字
英文: 10800字符

我國目前的酸雨區(qū)已超過國土面積的三分之一,2005年的S排放量達到2549萬t,超過總量控制指標749萬t,加劇了我國的大氣污染火電廠是S的主要排放源,我國2004年1月1日實施的GBl3223-2003《火電廠大氣污染排放標準》按時段規(guī)定了火電廠的大氣污染物最高允許排放值,加快了我國火電廠脫硫裝置的投入使用,對于單機容量超過20MW的大型燃煤火電機組,國內外目前流行的脫硫工藝是采用濕法脫硫,在完成脫硫要求的同時,可以同時產生副產品石膏,實現(xiàn)脫硫副產品的資源再利用,我國現(xiàn)在運行的許多火電廠在原設計中沒有考慮脫硫裝置的安裝位置,這使運行的火電廠增加脫硫裝置帶來了困難,未來10年裝機容量3×10MW的火電機組均需要安裝脫硫'>煙氣脫硫裝置,因此,我國現(xiàn)在運行的火電廠急需一種既具有高脫硫效率且節(jié)省占地面積的濕法脫硫新工藝,母公司為德國魯爾集團公司(Ruhr AG)的德國斯特雅克集團公司(steag AG)自1969年開始研發(fā)以CaO或CaCO為脫硫劑的緊湊式濕法脫硫新工藝,該工藝具有脫硫效率高、占地面積小的獨特優(yōu)點,1977年在德國wilhelmshaven第一套具有商業(yè)化使用價值的緊湊式濕法脫硫工業(yè)化試驗設備對5×10Nm/h的燃煤電廠煙氣進行脫硫,相應的汽輪發(fā)電機組的電功率為140 MW;1982年第一臺工藝脫硫設備在該電廠投入運行,脫硫的煙氣量為1.5×10Nm/h,相應的汽輪發(fā)電機組的電功率為450 MW,該工藝到2000年已成功應用的火電機組容量超過2×10MW,單臺鍋爐的最大額定煙氣流量為2.29×10Nm/h,單臺汽輪發(fā)電機組的最大額定電功率為750MW,緊湊式濕法脫硫工藝特別適用于已運行電廠增加脫硫裝置的改造方案,對我國大批火電廠的增加脫硫裝置的改造方案具有重要的實用價值 ......

Experimental study on the width of the turbulent area Around bridge pier
At present,the method of calculating of the turbulent flow width around the bridge pier is not given in the "Standard for Inland River Navigation"(GB50139—2004)in China,and the bridge designer usually increases the bridge span in order to ensure the navigation safety,which increases both of the structural design difficulty and the project investments.Therefore.It is extremely essential to give a research on the turbulent flow width around the bridge pier.Through the experiments of the fixed bed and the mobile bed,the factors influencing the turbulent flow width around the bridge pier have been analyzed,such as the approaching flow speed,the water depth,the angles between the bridge pier and the flow direction,the sizes of bridge pier,the shapes of the bridge pier,and the scouring around the bridge pier,etc.Through applying the dimension analytic method to the measured data,the formula of calculating the turbulent flow width around the bridge pier is then inferred.
Keywords:bridge pier;mobile bed experiment;fixed bed;width of turbulence area

The fluid state nearby the bridge pier normally changes shortly after the new birdge is built.Meanwhile,there exists unsafe navigation region(turbulent flow width) around the bridge pier.Thus,the accidents that the ships collide with bridge piers occurred frequently.Chen Mingdong,wang Duoyin have researched that the route width B plus the margin width equals Navigational clearance width of the bridge in the Mountainous areas rivers,the Three Gorges district and the Yangtze downriver areas.Hu Xuyue from Changsha University of Technology has researched the turbulent flow width around the bridge pier to a Certain extent.The research has been obtained that the turbulent flow width around bridge pier equals 3D(D:the diameter of the pier)within the experimental Fr scope.
At present,in the computation of the navigational clearance width of the bridge,the formula ......
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